The Broker's Gambit - Your Blueprint For A Winning Year 2021

Arrange a 30-Minute Strategic Session with John Sbrocco


Queen's Gambit provides a great analogy for the experience of many brokers.

✔️ unremarkable and alone

✔️ addicted

✔️ study and repetition hones skills

✔️  better skills equals higher stakes

✔️  mastery makes you feel in control.

Learn the moves of the Masters and discover the holes in your strategy because "checkmate" means there's only one winner!

TUNE IN for the Heads Up Adviser Show 1st episode of 2021 - [THE BROKER'S GAMBIT] and learn how to apply those very same strategies to your healthcare broker routine. 


Virtue Health introduces a new, full-stack healthcare solution for advisers managing small to midsize employers.

Arrange a QUICK CALL with John Sbrocco to learn if you're qualified to join.

CLICK HERE to choose date / time. 

To a better you!

John Sbrocco & Craig Lack

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