
Tax-Free Wealth For Brokers With Tom Wheelwright


Tax-Free Wealth For Brokers With Tom Wheelwright


Meet John Sbrocco, Craig Lack, Paul Seegert, and 7 other speakers at HIGH STAKES ADVISING 2020
(new date to be announced soon))


What would you say if there was an opportunity to add tens of thousands of dollars to your income without writing more business?

According to Tom Wheelwright, the tax advisor of Robert Kiyosaki and the author of "Tax-Free Wealth," one of the crucial parts of any business growth lies in understanding... well, you've probably already got it from the context. 

As weird as it might sound, the wise and wealthy businesspeople are not "cracking the tax code," but follow it accordingly. You also don't need to get second citizenship or move your business to the offshore zone. 

When I first read Tom's book, I was surprised how obvious, simple, and effective his approach was - yet none of the CPAs have ever mentioned it to me before. So chances are, neither did your.

This week Tom Wheelwright is joining us on the Heads Up Adviser Show to give an alternative approach to managing taxes so you could use this knowledge to grow your personal and corporate wealth in the upcoming years. 

When Robert Kiyosaki asked Tom how he saw taxes, Tom replied: "Well, taxes are fundamentally a series of incentives for business owners and investors." Since then, Tom has become an integral part of the "Rich Dad Company."  

TUNE IN for the episode [TAX-FREE WEALTH FOR BROKERS with Tom Wheelwright], and learn how to make smart financial decisions this year. 

Here's what we cover:

  • The original purpose of taxes
  • What does the government "pay" you for
  • How to get $25-$30k deduction on your property
  • How taxes grow your wealth now and in the future

Don't forget that you can meet 10+ experts in sales, marketing and healthcare  at the High Stakes Advising, 2020. (new date to be announced soon)

To a better you!

John Sbrocco and Craig Lack

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Q&A with the CFO with Gary Bender


Q&A with the CFO with Gary Bender


Meet Gary Bender, John Sbrocco, Craig Lack, Paul Seegert, and 6 other speakers at HIGH STAKES ADVISING 2020
(new date to be announced soon))


Do you feel like the amount of work you put into your brokerage business, does not correlate with your income, and you definitely deserve more? 

Just like all roads lead to Rome, all problems in healthcare prospecting happen for two reasons: 

1) You either talk to people that are NOT the decision makers, or...

2) You fail to differentiate yourself from your competitors.

But there's also the third reason... a lie. You'll be surprised by how many CFOs lie to you (and to themselves) about their role, position, and motives. Luckily, there's one CFO that will tell you the truth, and give you honest answers on the most complicated questions, and we invited him on the Heads Up Adviser show. 

TUNE IN for our latest episode [Q&A with the CFO] with Gary Bender, and find out how to "hack the CFO code," stop wasting time with non-decision makers, and close more deals in a shorter time. 


Don't forget that you can meet Gary Bender and 10 other amazing professionals in Healthcare, Sales & Marketing at the High Stakes Advising, 2020. (new date to be announced soon)

To a better you!

John Sbrocco and Craig Lack

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